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East African Hemingway Safari

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At A Glance

With East African Hemingway we've combined two destinations - Kenya and Tanzania - into a single, breathtaking itinerary that offers the very best in East African game viewing, combined with the romance of classic "Hemingway" style tented accommodations.


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Days 1-2: USA or Canada - Nairobi, Kenya / Nairobi Serena Hotel

Depart the USA or Canada by overnight flight. Upon arrival we are met and transferred to our hotel. Nairobi Serena Hotel

Day 3: Nairobi - Lewa Wildlife Conservancy / Lewa Safari Camp

We fly north of Nairobi to the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and our first exclusive campsite. After lunch we begin to spot some of the animals inhabiting this wilderness area, including unique northern species such as reticulated giraffe, Grevy's zebra and more. Exclusive Lewa Camp B,L,D

Day 4: Lewa Wildlife Conservancy / Lewa Safari Camp

A cup of coffee or tea delivered to our tents begins the day in A&K style. On morning and afternoon game drives, we see elephant, rhino, beisa oryx, Somali ostrich, the graceful, long-necked gerenuk, lion and, possibly, leopard. The day ends with a roaring campfire and a delicious dinner under the stars. Exclusive Lewa Camp B,L,D

Day 5: Lewa - Arusha, Tanzania - Lake Manyara National Park - Ngorongoro Crater / Ngorongoro Crater Camp

Today we fly via Nairobi to Arusha. After pausing for lunch, we continue to the Ngorongoro Crater, arriving at our private safari camp in time for dinner. Exclusive Ngorongoro Crater Camp B,L,D

Day 6: Ngorongoro Crater / Ngorongoro Crater Camp

Ngorongoro is a "pocket paradise" - an ancient volcanic caldera containing a fascinating cross-section of East African wildlife. Spend a half day game viewing among the Crater's lion, elephant, hyena, wildebeest, zebra and rhino. The seasonal lakes are crowded with birds and we may also see a Maasai herdsman with his cattle. Exclusive Ngorongoro Crater Camp B,L,D

Day 7: Ngorongoro Crater - Serengeti National Park / Serengeti Camp

We drive to the Serengeti, stopping en route at the Leakey family's excavations in Olduvai Gorge. Exclusive Serengeti Camp B,L,D

Days 8 - 9: Serengeti National Park / Serengeti Camp

We spend two exhilarating days on morning and afternoon game drives exploring the vast and varied landscapes of the Serengeti, one of the great game-viewing destinations of the world. This park is home to every type of plains game imaginable, including giraffe, buffalo, wildebeest, zebra and gazelle, as well as predatory lion, leopard and cheetah. The Serengeti is the site of the annual migration when an astounding number of herbivores trek across the plains in search of green grass and water. Exclusive Serengeti Camp B,L,D

Day 10: Serengeti - Arusha - Nairobi - Masai Mara Game Reserve / Mara Camp

We return to Nairobi and continue to the Masai Mara Game Reserve. Here our private camp sits on the edge of the Mara plains, a vast expanse of open land with a dense concentration of resident wildlife. Exclusive Mara Camp B,L,D

Days 11-12: Masai Mara / Mara Camp

Two days of morning and afternoon game drives in this magnificent savannah wilderness, the northern extension of the Serengeti ecosystem. We need not venture far from camp to see herds of impala, gazelle and zebra, elephant, giraffe and prides of lion. On our last evening in camp, we gather for a farewell dinner and an opportunity to review our safari's highlights around the inviting campfire. Exclusive Mara Camp B,L,D

Day 13: Masai Mara - Nairobi - USA or Canada / Nairobi Serena Hotel

We return to Nairobi for a visit to Karen Blixen's house, the Nairobi Giraffe Center and private lunch at Bahati, the Kent family home. This evening we transfer to the airport to board our international flight. Nairobi Serena Hotel (dayroom) B,L,D

Day 14: USA or Canada

Connect with homebound flights.

Please contact our Specialty Travel Advisor Richard Beck at [email protected] for more details.

