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Discover Paradise!

Source Events
At A Glance
Join 125 other guests for Source Events exclusive LGBTQ+ cruise in the society islands of Tahiti. Source Events is customizing this Polynesian adventure to give you the freedom to visit the hidden wonders of Tahiti. Whether exploring lush rainforests, witnessing striking volcanic peaks, or enjoying lunch on a private atoll, you’ll enjoy everything Tahiti has to offer from the luxury of your own sailing ship, Msy Wind Spirit. Tall ship sailing is a postcard-perfect way to experience this South Pacific dreamscape.

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Itinerary $3,299.00 / person

Papeete, Tahiti
Thursday - October 8, 2020
The legendary seductress of sailors and capital of French Polynesia. Both Captain Cook and later Captain Bligh dealt with sailors who longed to stay in this tropical paradise (One more successfully than the other). And while the city is no longer the primitive village it once was, it retains its own set of charms. From Papeete Harbor, you can feast your eyes on Moorea. You’ll find that Tahiti is one of the most popular gay travel destinations in the world; gay marriage has been legal in Tahiti since 2013.
Departure: 5:00pm
Intercontinental Tahiti Resort & Spa
Moorea (Cook's Bay)
Friday - October 9, 2020
In the running for the most beautiful island in the world, Moorea’s even more awesome at sunset. The downtown market, “Le Marché”, is the best place to purchase your hand-dyed pareau (sarong). And when your stomach starts to growl from looking at the fresh island produces, head to the waterfront and Vai’ete Square to dine with the locals from food trucks known as “Les Roulottes”. Have you seen the musical “South Pacific”? then the easiest way to describe Moorea is to tell you that it was probably the inspirations for James Michener’s Bali Hai. It’s what most people dream of when they picture a gorgeous South Seas Island – jagged green volcanic peaks, a shallow blue lagoon bedded by white sand, tiny motus (islets) offshore. The island’s 12,000 residents are keenly aware they have an image to uphold, so they buried all the unsightly power cables to give you seamless views of paradise.
Arrival: 6:00am / Departure: 5:00pm
Saturday - October 10, 2020
This is one of the most traditional islands. Its few thousand residents live a tranquil life fishing, raising livestock, and growing crops from the sought-after vanilla bean to watermelon and copra. You may be lucky enough to see the villagers stone fishing just like their ancestors once did. They wade into the lagoon slapping the water with stones tied to ropes, which drives the fish ashore. The island also produces some of the finest black pearls in the Pacific – a testament to the purity of the water.
Arrival: 8:00am / Departure: 5:00pm
Sunday - October 11, 2020
We will spend the day on a private island complete with swaying palm trees and white-sand beaches. Swim, snorkel and enjoy a variety of water sports in the crystal-clear waters. There will be a delicious barbecue lunch and tropical drinks waiting for you. Explore Tahaa with optional excursions to discover the vanilla plantations and sacred sites of the island.
Arrival: 8:00am / Departure: 5:00pm
Bora Bora
Monday - October 12, 2020
Bora Bora is a major international destination, famous for its aqua-centric luxury resorts. The major settlement, Vaitape, is on the western side of the main island, opposite the main channel into the lagoon. Produce of the island is mostly limited to what can be obtained from the sea and the plentiful coconut trees, which were economically important for the production of copra (coconut oil). Bora Bora has a permanent population of 8,800 residents. Special Event planned: Bora Bora is surrounded by a number of tiny islets called “motu”- small, pristine, secluded paradises that offer privacy, beauty, and relaxing ambiance. Our Source guests will spend the evening in Paradise followed by a scrumptious dinner and a Fire Dancers show.
Arrival: 9:00am
Bora Bora
Tuesday - October 13, 2020
Bora Bora is a major international destination, famous for its aqua-centric luxury resorts. The major settlement, Vaitape, is on the western side of the main island, opposite the main channel into the lagoon. Produce of the island is mostly limited to what can be obtained from the sea and the plentiful coconut trees, which were economically important for the production of copra (coconut oil). Bora Bora has a permanent population of 8,800 residents. Special Event planned: Bora Bora is surrounded by a number of tiny islets called “motu”- small, pristine, secluded paradises that offer privacy, beauty, and relaxing ambiance. Our Source guests will spend the evening in Paradise followed by a scrumptious dinner and a Fire Dancers show.
Departure: 9:00pm
Wednesday - October 14, 2020
A deep, crystal-clear lagoon surrounds the two islands while magnificent bays and white-sand beaches add drama and solitude to their virtues. Relatively unchanged by the modern world, Huahine offers a slower taste of old Polynesia. With only eight small villages scatted across the island, the few residents welcome visitors with great kindness. Not surprisingly, this fertile world offers rich soil providing the local farmers a bountiful harvest of vanilla, melons, and bananas.
Arrival: 7:00am / Departure: 5:00pm
Papeete, Tahiti
Thursday - October 15, 2020
Return to Papeete for your evening flight or extend your stay.
Arrival: 9:00am